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Web Assembly version of DGGRID

A wrapper for DGGRID in Web Assembly. Based on last DGGRID c++ library developed by Dr. Kevin

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How to use

Please check tests folder for more examples.

in browser


const WebdggridLocal = await import("../dist/index.js").then(m => m.Webdggrid).catch(console.log);
import { Webdggrid as WebdggridExternal } from "";

const Webdggrid = WebdggridLocal ?? WebdggridExternal;

const webdggrid = await Webdggrid.load();
const seqNum = dggs.geoToSequenceNum([[0, 0]]);

In nodejs

import { Webdggrid } from 'webdggrid'
const dggs = await Webdggrid.load();
const seqNum = dggs.geoToSequenceNum([[0, 0]]);

Supported Functions

Grid Creation

Grid Statistics

Grid Conversions


Slow development pace.


  • Added support to SeqNumGrid


Make sure to setup emscripten on your machine.

The development process involves modifying the cpp code and use utils/make.js to build the library.

src-cppThe src file of the DGGRID. It is inspired from DGGRIDR project.
src-tsThe src file js wrapper around the emscripten code to make it easier to interact with library in more js friendly approach.
lib-wasmThe js output that emscripten generates
lib-wasm-pyexperimental python wrapper
testsJS unit tests

To build the entire library simply run yarn build

It will build webassembly file and also builds the typescript wrapper.

Server the emscripten output [just for development purpuse]

Run the following command. It will open the emscripten's default page to test the wasm file. Just navigate to libdggrid.htmlyarn serve

you can invoke the functions similar to
